Filling out the form


  • Contact information: Fill out your information completely. Even though we may have your information elsewhere, putting it on the form will be a great help. We may need to contact you during or after the show.
  • Contact Consignment ID Number: Fill in your consignment ID number. This number is usually your 2 or 3 initials of your name plus the number you will be given when you sign up. For example, if Betty Quilter is the seventh person to sign up for the Boutique, then her number will be 7 BQ.
  • Inventory Number: Each item you sell needs to have an inventory number. The inventory number is your consignment number + the item number. Betty Quilter is going to sell potholders, pin cushions, and door knob covers. Her inventory numbers are 7-BQ-1 for the pot holders, 7-BQ-2 for the pin cushions, and 7-BQ-3 for the door knob covers.
  • # of Items: The quantity of each of each item listed.
  • Price Each: The price of each item listed. Following this numbering system is very important for us to get accurate sales and payment information.
Your Consignment ID # is assigned by the Boutique Committee. It will be a two-digit number plus your initials. Contact the Boutique Committee to receive your ID.
Items to be sold(Required)
The Inventory # is a combination of your Consignment ID number and a 2-digit consecutive number. For example, if your Consignment ID is 21-GW, your first inventory number is 21-GW-01, your second inventory number is 21-GW-02, etc. Use the plus sign (+) to add more rows to the form (don't use the ENTER key).
Inventory #
Item Description (Size, color, etc.)
# of Items
Price Each
Leave Blank (For Boutique Use Only)
Please check this box if you are ready to submit your form and then click the Submit button.(Required)
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