Block Exchange Coordinator:  Select block for each meeting.  Type instructions and any diagrams for the newsletter and to pass out.  Design the block for the next meeting, show a sample of upcoming block, have instructions at meetings for those desiring them.  Collect the blocks at each session, hang the blocks and draw names of winners. Turn in names of winners to WSQ secretary and Newsletter Editor.  Post in Block Exchange notebook.  Pass out blocks to winners who are there during the evening meeting or mail blocks.


Arrive by noon.  Items needed:  Small container to put names in, straight pins, masking tape, safety pins, pens, slips of paper and a sheet.  A small gift for those who complete a quilt from a prior set of exchange blocks that they won, is a nice gesture.  Put the sheet on the lattice stand by throwing the edge over the top and pinning at the corners and center.  If a sheet is not available, ask the staff for a tablecloth.

Accept blocks from members, making sure that their name, address and phone number is put on a slip of paper for the drawing.  All paper slips go into container for the drawing.

Use straight pins or masking tape to hang the blocks. Start a row down, as well as  across, separating one person’s blocks into several rows. Try to have at least 6 blocks in a row.  Leave everything in place between sessions, as the block drawing is done at the evening session.


Arrive by 6 p.m. See guidelines above.  During the business meeting, before the break, even out the rows so all have the same number of blocks.  Draw names equal to the rows you have.  Write the names of the winners in the binder, give to WSQ Secretary and email to Newsletter Editor. Announce the winner’s names when giving your committee report; also show a sample of the next meeting’s block.   Any members who are present will pick up their blocks at the break.  Mail remaining blocks to the winners.  You can leave after the drawing, if you choose.


In choosing a block design, keep in mind that abilities will vary from beginner to accomplished quilters.  It is best to have a design somewhere in the middle, leaning toward the beginners.  If the block is too complicated, no one wants to spend time on it.  Appliqué does not appeal to all.  See previous designs for format of instructions.  Instructions are kept in the binder.  Request permission from the designer if your selected block is not in the public domain.  Most designers have a website with contact information.


The Newsletter layout is done in Publisher.  Even when an appliqué image is scanned correctly, Publisher may alter the size slightly.  There is no way to avoid this, so if precision is essential, that design should be submitted as a PDF.  Margins of at least an inch are required.  Check with the editor for her preferences.


If an image is larger than roughly 6” x 7”, it will have to be split into two or more parts.  A larger image can fit on the screen but only part of the design will print out.  While a ¾” margin is fine for the newsletter, please try to remain with about 6” x 7’ for the website.  If you fill the page, the webmaster may have to break apart the images, a time-consuming task.  When images are uploaded to the website, the size must be specified in pixels.  That may result in a slight size change from the original.

The easiest designs for both the newsletter and website are pieced designs for which you give precise instructions and construction diagrams.  Simple appliqué design will also work well.

Under the direction of the President and the Board of Directors the bus trips chairman is responsible for planning and executing trips to quilt shows sponsored by other guilds throughout the region.

The bus trip chairman may appoint and supervise a committee if deemed necessary.


  • Prepares and oversees an annual budget
  • Makes arrangements for busses, meal stops, quilt show entry and any other       related activities.
  • Bus trip’s budget is planned for each trip and they are arranged.

No cancellations 20 days prior to bus trip. (It is up to the member to find someone to take her place.)

Under the direction of the President and the Board of Directors the Charity Central chairman is responsible for providing information for charities needing quilts and for quilt makers who wish to make quilts for charity


  • Maintain lists of those seeking quilts together with an explanation as to how the quilts will be used; size and where to be dropped off.
  • Maintain lists of those who wish to make quilts for charity with notes as to the type of quilts they’re willing to make and any preferences on organizations with which they’d like to work.
  • To report to the Board and the members of WSQ-SC on the work being done and to display samples at quarterly meetings when possible.
  • To be Community Outreach contact
  • To be contact for business donations
  • Provide information to groups outside WSQ to educate about Charity Central.

January & February:

  • Write Letter to the 10 Fairs explaining procedures for the coming fair season


  • Send pictures for WSQ newsletter Ex: 2018 Fair winners for April 2019 newsletter or later date
  • Send pictures to WSQ Historian
  • Match fair ribbons colors to the current quilt show colors and follow their theme
  • Order ribbons through Generations Awards (previously Ramax)


  • Write article for July newsletter stating information about the 10 fairs, deadlines, addresses, etc.
  • Send copy to the website for publication also; include a link to each fair brochure/entry info
  • Announce the past WSQ winners on anniversary 5th, 10th, 15th etc. (if time allows) 2007,2012,2017


  • Send ribbons and certificates to the 10 fair superintendents
  • Remind fair superintendents that  we need photos, names and addresses of their winners
  • Show fair ribbons at quarterly meeting
  • Talk up the fairs and encourage membership to enter quilts


  • @ Quarterly Meeting announce this year’s winners


  • Enter winner’s names on WSQ website
  • Check with treasurer that all winners have received their cash winnings for 1st place
The Fairs and Ribbons Awarded

Moses LakeGrant County Fair1st place – $20/ribbon, 2ndribbonRepublicFerry County Fair1st place – $20/ribbon, 2ndribbon

CDANorth Idaho  Fair1st place – $25/ribbon, 2nd ribbon
ColfaxPalouse Empire Fair1st place – $20/ribbon, 2nd ribbon
ColvilleNortheast County Fair1st place – $20/ribbon, 2nd ribbon
CusickPend Oreille County Fair1st place – $20/ribbon, 2nd ribbon
DavenportLincoln County Fair1st place – $20/ribbon, 2ndribbon
RitzvilleWheatland Communities Fair1st place – $20/ribbon, 2nd ribbon
RockfordSoutheast Spokane Co. Fair1st place – $20/ribbon, 2nd ribbon
SpokaneSpokane Interstate Fair1st place – $50/ribbon, 2nd ribbon

The finance committee chair has two main responsibilities and then several other small responsibilities which are listed below.

Prepare the Annual Audit of the WSQ books, policies and procedures for the prior year.

  1. At the changeover board meeting in December or at the first WSQ meeting in January, the treasurer will provide the books of the prior year.  These will include a backup of the Quickbooks software to date, the book which contains the General Budget vouchers and receipts and the book which contains the Quilt Show Budget vouchers and another book which will contain a copy of the prior year’s Federal Tax Return, Form 990, the bank statements for all cash, checking, money market, CD, etc., accounts, and if necessary, a print out of the general ledger for the prior year.
  2. The Finance Chair will ask for two or more volunteers from the membership to assist with the audit. The bylaws state that these volunteers must be current members (and ideally, would have been also a member during the year being audited) and not a board member.
  3. A date for the audit will be selected and the Finance Chair will prepare the documents, checklists, spreadsheets, etc. for the audit.
  4. With the finance Chair overseeing the process, the volunteers will go through the randomly selected checks which will appear on the spreadsheet, and make sure that the check has cleared the bank, that a voucher exists for the check and that the amounts match the check and finally that a receipt which matches all 3 documents exists and is properly stapled to the back of the voucher. The income will also be examined using the various methods applicable to each income category.  Since the Quilt Show income and membership income comprise the highest percentage of the income for WSQ, particular attention is paid to these categories.  However, other income categories within both budgets should also be examined for consistency.  The deposit slips should be matched against the bank statements and also the sampling should prove that the deposits match the amounts claimed as income also match, based on the criteria that exists for each individual category. 
  5. The Finance chair will note any item which has an inconsistency and attempts will be made to find the reason for the inconsistency.
  6. Interest 1099’s (if they exist) will be matched against interest reported on the financial statements.
  7. Policy and procedures will also be examined for consistency or for necessary changes. These procedures are mostly for the handling of money by the various chair persons and if a change is necessary this will also be noted.  If a new policy is needed for a new chair, or an updated policy is necessary, these will be prepared and handed out at the board meeting where the audit report is presented.
  8. After the audit is complete, the Finance Chair will prepare a report which will be presented at the next board meeting. Also a less detailed report will be prepared for the newsletter following the audit.

The second major responsibility of the Finance Committee is the preparation of the annual budget for the upcoming calendar year.

Budget Preparation:

  1. Immediately following the quilt show, the Finance Chair will contact the treasurer and make a plan for the budget preparation. This includes making sure that she contacts all the various committee chairs to make sure that their vouchers are in as soon as possible.  The budget cannot be prepared until all the invoices, vouchers, etc are received and paid before the meeting as the upcoming budget is dependent upon the actual figures from the prior year.
  2. The Finance Chair will send out an email to ALL committee chairs reminding them that the budget preparation will soon occur and to please send in their budget requests for the upcoming year by a deadline which the finance chair will set according to her time schedule. Many reminders may need to be sent as the meeting becomes closer.
  3. The Finance Chair will contact the President, Treasurer and First Vice President (Quilt Show Chair) to set a meeting for the budget preparation. This meeting is very time sensitive because the budget must be prepared and ready to present to the board at the December changeover meeting.  This is difficult because it takes time for all the final quilt show invoices to come in and be paid after the quilt show in October and there is very little time between getting the final books and the December budget meeting.
  4. The finance chair prepares a preliminary spreadsheet which shows the current year’s budget and the current actual figures and the difference. Then a new column is added for the upcoming budget requests that have come in.
  5. At the budget meeting the Finance Chair oversees the preparation of the budget. The President, 1st VP, Treasurer (and the incoming of each if necessary) and the Finance chair go over each and every income and expense category on both the General and Quilt Show budgets and discuss the requests from the committee chairs and review the amount of each.  The expected profit from the quilt show drives the General budget as there are many fixed expense accounts in the general budget that are not covered by income.  This is a very long process but eventually, both preliminary budgets will be prepared.
  6. The Finance Chair then prepares a preliminary budget and tries to make each budget balance. It is critical that each budget balance based upon realistic numbers and that it is not forced to balance by increasing income or decreasing expenses to balance.
  7. The recommendations and budget report is then prepare and copies of the preliminary budget are sent to the committee for review prior to the meeting and any necessary changes are made. Then copies are made for the meeting so each person attending will have a copy for their review.
  8. The Finance chair and quilt show chair present their budget to the board at the December changeover meeting. Any questions or concerns are addressed at this time and then a motion is made for approval of the budget.
  9. After the meeting, the Finance Chair takes the approved budget and consolidates both budgets to one page for the newsletter and sends it to the Newsletter chair for the January newsletter.
  10. An explanation of the budget is also prepared for the newsletter.
  11. At the January meeting the budget is presented to the membership by the President and a motion is made for approval of the budget.

Under the direction of the President and the Board of Directors the Historian is responsible for maintaining WSQ-SC s permanent official history. This includes keeping a scrapbook pertaining to the activities of WSQ-SC, maintaining the organization’s archives and being the custodian of WSQ-SC Centennial Quilts, INDIAN MAIDEN and AGE OF ELEGANCE.

Responsibilities for the scrapbooks include:

  1. Making arrangements for photographing WSQ-SC activities
  2. Keeping news stories published on WSQ-SC activities
  3. Updating the books with archival quality materials
  4. Presenting them to the membership at the Quarterly meetings
  5. Storing them as a permanent part of the organizations official history

Responsibilities for WSQ-SC’s archives, include:

  1. Collecting and filing updated materials
  2. Keeping records of the contents of the archives
  3. Disposing of outdated materials
  4. Updating data files to current software programs, as needed
  5. Keeping copies of all WSQ-SC’s publications, i.e. show programs, membership brochures, posters, newsletters, etc.
  6. Assisting the membership and Board with locating and storing WSQ materials.
  7. Informing the Board regularly on the contents of the archives

Responsibilities for WSQ-SC’s quilts include:

  1. Making arrangements for displaying in public the Centennial quilts. This can be coordinated with the Quilt promotion and Education Committee.
  2. Keeping them with appropriate care.

Other functions:

Reports to the Board on any activities planned for the above responsibilities and prepares and oversees an annual budget. To carry out these responsibilities, appoints, supervises and works with a committee if deemed necessary.

Works pleasantly and cooperatively with Board members and the membership.

Under the direction of the president and the Board of Directors is responsible for reserving a suitable facility for the Quarterly General meetings and to make all physical arrangements necessary for the business meeting and the program, i.e. slide projector, quilt racks, tables for committee chair, etc.

To carry out this responsibility, appoint, supervises and works with a committee.



Reports to the Board on Hospitality activities including:

  1. Attend scheduled Board meetings.
  2. Prepares and oversees an annual budget.
  3. Coordinates with the First Vice-President on all meeting dates and makes reservations well in advance to accommodate the Guest Lecturer.
  4. Coordinate with committee chairs to provide necessary accommodations for their activities at the General Meeting. e. requesting tables for library, microphone, screen, etc.
  5. Arrange for refreshments served at meetings.
  6. Prepare news items for the newsletter, including 1. Quilt Shop donors, and 2. Volunteer Hostesses.
  7. Obtain door prizes for both sessions of the Quarterly meetings. (See Timeline.)
  8. Obtain current membership roster from Membership Chair.
  9. Make reservations at Rusty Moose or other restaurant for dinner with Guest Speaker.
  10. Make copies of door prize slips, 2 per page = 250 pages supplies both meetings, total of 500 slips. Suggested items to be included on the door prize slips are determined at the Board meeting or check with the President.
  11. Appoints and supervises Hostesses who take admissions, greet members, take door prize slips, distribute WSQ literature, assist in door prize distributions, and hold quilts for “Show and Tell” and for the Guest Lecturer. (Six Volunteers work well for each meeting.)
  12. Submits completed voucher with original receipt to the Treasurer for payment of expenses.
  13. Arrange to have quilt racks available for quilt guilds (WA state only) selling tickets for raffle quilts. Requests must be made in advance of meeting.

Day of Meeting:

  • Pack aprons for hostesses, cash boxes, door prize slips,  door prizes, rosters
  • Arrive early to check if correct amount of tables are set with white cloths
  • Set out door prize slips, cash boxes, rosters, etc.
  • Assist guest speaker—microphone, screen, etc.
  • Assist those bringing raffle quilts for display
  • Door prizes in convenient locations
  • Meet hostesses who are helping, give instructions, etc.
  • Distribute door prizes
  • Check on refreshments—no other members should order punch or food items
  • Leftover food items go to charity.

After Quarterly Meeting:

  • Send thank you letters to door prize donors.
  • Deposit admission collection.
  • Review invoice from CenterPlace at time of receipt.
  • Submit complete voucher with original receipt to Treasurer to pay expenses.
  • Wash and iron hostess aprons as needed.
  • Prepare newsletter article with thank you to hostesses and door prize donors.

The Librarian, under the direction of the President and the Board of Directors, is responsible for maintaining the WSQ Library, for the custody of all books and magazines, and for managing members’ access to Library materials.

The Librarian appoints, supervises, and works with a Library Committee.

The Librarian, to carry out these responsibilities, reports to the Board on library activities,

    1. Prepares and oversees an annual budget,
    2. Orders new books, disposes of outdated or unused materials, and maintains inventories of all materials,
    3. Prepares Quarterly Report that summarizes number of books circulated, number and titles not returned or otherwise missing, number and titles removed from circulation and the disposition of these books (i.e., sold, destroyed, or donated), and new materials added to inventory.
    4. Keeps accurate records of materials loaned to members, date materials should be returned, and follows up with retrieving late books,
    5. Recommends policies to the Board that encourage prompt return of books, and
    6. Prepares library articles for the newsletter, including titles of newly acquired books.


CO-LIBRARIAN (Circulation)

  1. JANUARY: Ensure all members have bar code affixed to their new membership card.
  2. APRIL: Reserve, set up and run table at WSQ Yard Sale.
  3. SEPTEMBER: Prepare annual budget.
  4. October: After September meeting, purge borrower list of people who are no longer WSQ members, after checking their names on list of lost books/library materials.
  5. QUARTERLY: Set up tables for afternoon and evening WSQ membership meetings.
  6. QUARTERLY: Attend WSQ Board meetings and General meetings.
  7. ON-GOING:
    1. Maintain Library database for all books, enabling users to find books by author name or title and updating usage of current books. Generate listing of lost books.
    2. Affix WSQ labels and checkout cards to new books, adding them to Library database.
    3. Coordinate and trains helpers in use of library check-in/check-out database
    4. Recommend book purchases and encourage member recommendations.
    5. Report income and purchases to Co-Librarian, make deposits as needed.
    6. Purchase library supplies as needed
    7. Improve database capability to generate reports on circulation and overdue books.

CO-LIBRARIAN (Acquisitions)

  1. APRIL: Assist Co-Librarian at WSQ Yard Sale.
  2. JULY: Draft Library survey for newsletter and/or handout at July meeting to identify possible acquisitions and ways Library can improve. 
  3. QUARTERLY: Attend WSQ Board meetings and General meetings.
  4. QUARTERLY: Maintain income and expenses records, make deposits as needed, and report to WSQ Board.
  5. QUARTERLY: Assist with Sales table at quarterly General Meetings.
  7. Contact borrowers regarding overdue books (return or replacement).
  8. Use usage reports to identify most popular books and which books should be replaced based on popularity.
  9. Send thank you notes as directed.
  10. Purchase books within budget as recommended through least expensive suppliers and ship book to Co-Librarian for indexing.
  11. Recommend books for purchase based on member recommendations and visiting speakers.
  12. Maintain membership in ASQ (American Society of Quilters).
  13. Maintain acquisition “wish list” on for review by Co-Librarian.



  1. WSQ Members may check out books if their membership is current, if they have a current library barcode on their membership card, and if they have no overdue books.
  2. Members are limited to 4 items checked out at any one time.
  3. All books and materials are due at the next WSQ meeting or members may use the Drop Off Box at Cozy Quilt or The Quilting Bee.
  4. Library items not returned within two meetings are considered overdue.
  5. Members shall pay the retail value of any lost or damaged items.


  • All receipts for purchases of Library materials, supplies, postage, and repairs will be submitted for reimbursement using the current WSQ Voucher to the Treasurer. These expenditures are deducted from the Library budget.
  • Replacement books may be purchased, if appropriate, when a member has paid for a lost item.
  • Library supplies may be ordered from DEMCO (800-356-1200) or purchased from Office Depot, Staples (for bar code, sheet protectors, labels, etc), or K-Mart.


    1. Record Inventory. After the purchase or donation of a new book or video, the item will be entered into the inventory database by listing Title, Author, Publisher, Year Published, and Retail Price of item at time of purchase. Donated items are marked as donated.
    2. Ink stamp with WSQ name and address. Stamp the book inside the front cover, the title page, table of contents, page 15, and on the inside of the back cover. Stamp all pattern pieces when applicable.
    3. Pattern Envelope. Prepare an envelope for pattern pieces by cutting a plastic sheet protector to the size that will fit inside the book. Remove the pattern from the book. Tape the sheet protector in the inside of the back of the book. Notice how this has been done on other books in our library. Place the pattern inside the clear plastic envelop.
    4. Blue tape with WSQ name and address. Place one label on the outside front and back cover and on the spine of the book. Prepare a label that states “Copy 1” or “Copy 2” or “Pattern enclosed”, when appropriate.
    5. Dust covers. Clear cellophane covers are kept in the Library supply box. The dust cover is placed inside and scotch-taped to secure it to the book. Once the cover is made, it is taped to the outside cover of the hardback book with a stronger tape. Narrow packing tape works well.
    6. Protective covers for softback books. Consider covering some softback or paperback books with clear contact paper. This helps protect the corners of the book from damage. Rolls of clear contact paper are available at K-Mart.
    7. Book repairs. Coil bindings can be put on soft cover books in need of binding repair using resources at Kinko’s or Office Depot, preferably before any tape has been used on center pages. Tape alone will not hold a book together.


    1. Many of our WSQ featured speakers donate their latest book to our library. Use a blank donation card to show the donor’s name. Place this donation card on the inside of the front cover.
    2. When WSQ members donate books, the Librarian decides if the items are appropriate for library use or to be sold. If placed in inventory, items must have a value placed on them, preferably the retail value.


    1. Determine which books are to be withdrawn from the Library by copyright date, how often the book is checked out, if the instructions are outdated, and the general condition of the book.
    2. Remove or blacken with a heavy marker all labels indicating “Property of WSQ”.
    3. Remove discarded books from Library database inventory.
    4. Discarded books may be sold at the Sales Table at general meetings or at the annual Yard Sale.


  1. Report to the Board and request input on pending Library issues (circulation report, new acquisitions, progress on overdues, special needs or other issues).
  2. Talk with Membership if we need to flag those members with long overdues.
  3. Talk with Hospitality if the Library wants to request volunteers or add a question to the door prize slips.



    1. Prior to the meeting, check with the Hospitality Chair for the set up of THREE long tables with skirts.
    2. Ask for one long extension cord and THREE large tablecloths. The extra tablecloths are to cover the books once the meeting has started and in between meetings. This indicates the library is closed.
    3. Use one round table near Library tables for Sales Table (primarily quilting magazines, patterns and donated books that will not be used in our Library).

TRANSPORT the books to the meeting location.

    1. Arrive at approximately 11 AM to allow plenty of time to unload and display the materials.
    2. The small library cart is a necessity.

DISPLAY all the books.

    1. Place the Library Rules where the members will see them.
    2. Assemble the Library sign near the center of the tables.
    3. Print out current Library database by Title and by Author to be placed on Announcements table in two binders to help WSQ members find titles. Post Library Rules in same two binders.
    4. Cover the books after the afternoon meeting until 5:45-6:00 pm when members arrive for the evening meeting.


    1. Place the flip top box on a chair behind the table. This is to prevent a member from taking a book from this box that has not been checked in.


    1. WSQ members need their current membership card and bar code to check out books.
    2. WSQ members who have overdue books cannot check out new books until their previously checked out books are either returned or paid for.
    3. Librarian will use the computer to check out books. Note: Approximately 200 books are checked out each quarter.
    4. Remind people to read the WSQ Library Rules that are on the table.


    1. Librarian uses computer to check in books while meeting is in progress for afternoon meeting so that books will be available for checkout at the evening meeting.


    1. Highlight important information, encourage members to return books, and thank donors. Request volunteers as needed to help with book check-out and sales table.



    1. Pack all books into boxes and transport to Librarian’s home.
    2. Make deposits of any income from Sales Table, forwarding copy of deposit slip to Treasurer.


    1. Prepare an “overdue list” of the titles, amounts, and contact information. Notify members they have not returned these items.
    2. Request current copy of Membership Roster from Membership Chair for contact information of members.
    3. Remind members they have overdue books about one week before the next general meeting.
    4. Re-contact borrowers who have not returned books after two meetings.
    5. Request payment for items lost or long overdue.
      • When books have been out longer than two meetings, mail a letter on WSQ letterhead requesting payment of the materials, listing title and cost.
      • If these items are returned to the library, the person will be reimbursed.
      • At this time, we do NOT list names of members from the “overdue list” in the newsletter. WSQ does not always know the personal circumstances of members.
      • Prepare a receipt for any items paid for by a member so that we have a record in the receipt book in case the member requests a refund.
      • Reimbursements for lost items are credited to the Library Budget so we can buy a replacement book, if appropriate.
      • Contact Membership Chair to “flag” those members who have long overdue items. Members cannot renew their WSQ membership until they have paid for all lost items.


    1. The Librarian maintains a current inventory of books and videotapes on a computerized database (currently Book DB2) and on Open Office. A physical inventory is made once a year, preferably in October or November. A copy of the Inventory Report is sent to the Treasurer before the end of the year.
    2. The Librarian assigns value to every book, video or other library materials. Use the retail price for inventory.
    3. Discarded books are removed from the Inventory, and a list of these titles is sent to the Treasurer, also at year-end.


    1. Prepare an article for the WSQ Newsletter by deadline as specified by the Newsletter Chair. Thank anyone who donated items. List new books added to the library since the last meeting. Thank the quilt shops for hosting the drop off boxes.


    1. Prepare a projected budget by estimating income and expenses for the coming year by reviewing the previous year’s income and expenditures and considering needs for supplies, book purchases, repairs, or other Library needs (for example, a database program).
    2. Submit budget request to the Finance Committee at the end of September of each year.





Membership chairman must be an active member of WSQ, a voting member of the WSQ board, and shall attend board meetings as posted by the current president.

Memberships are initiated or renewed either at the quarterly WSQ meetings or via mail.  Applications are available in the WSQ newsletter, on the website, in promotional flyers and in the quilt show booklet.

Membership year is defined per the By Laws and Standing Rules, adopted July 21, 2005, Article III, items 3.3 and 3.4.  The membership year is from January 1st through December 31st, and is delinquent as of February 28th.  Renewals for the coming year are accepted at the September meeting and thereon.

Membership chairman or representative should be available at the afternoon and evening quarterly meetings to process dues, etc.  It is recommended that the membership table be set up 1 ½ hours prior to, and during each meeting, staying at least until the meeting break has ended.

It is recommended that membership cards be signed and dated in advance of the meetings.

Protocol for money received for dues:

    1. All Monies should be deposited into the WSQ account at the Washington Trust Bank within 5 working days.
    2. Use duplicate deposit slips for WSQ account – you can get additional books from the Treasurer.
    3. Mark the top of the deposit slip “Membership” – the original goes to the bank with the deposit and keep the copy for your records.
    4. Cash is accepted in bulk amount.  Cash receipts are you record.
    5. Checks should be annotated with first initial and last name on each deposit slip. 
    6. Back of each check is stamped “For Deposit Only” with WSQ name and account number.
    7. Notify Treasurer (via email) of date and amount of deposit.
    8. Forward deposit slip to Treasurer at the end the month.
    9. Keep a separate database of deposits/number of members – making it easy to access information needed for Treasurer, Auditor, and reports.

Members Renewal:

    1. New Membership card
    2. Add to database, noting any changes in address, email, etc.
    3. Deposit money per protocol as noted above.

New Member: 

    1. New membership card – with a reminder to bring their card to each meeting and that they will be used as the library card.
    2. Welcome letter.
    3. Packet of fabric and batting to make membership badge.
    4. Instructions to make membership badge.
    5. List of WSQ Activities entitled “Just for Fun”
    6. Copy of current By Laws.
    7. Copy of recent WSQ Newsletter.

NOTE: If joining at the WSQ Meeting or Quilt Show, give new member the following items.  If application has been made by mail, WSQ will pay postage to forward these items, encourage new member to pick up newsletter at local quilt shop or website.


    1. Assemble fabric and batting for badges into individual bags.
    2. Keep an ample supply of kits for new members and returning members who may have misplaced their badge.

Membership List:

    1. Keep data on a computer (currently kept in MS Excel).
    2. Determine number of members per quarter and report to board members at board meetings.
    3. Email list (name and addresses only) to printer when newsletter is ready to be printed. 
    4. 3-5 days before the quarterly meeting, email the member list to all board members who can accept the data electronically.  Print a copy for each board member who cannot accept the data electronically, 3 copies for Hostess Chairman, 2 copies for membership table and 3 backup copies.  NOTE: general members are not given copies, but members who are doing charity projects through WSQ may have a copy.
    5. Annually in April, place a printed copy in the archives for record keeping.  List must be kept for at least 7 years per insurance representative.  Do not destroy old lists.  If need be, they can be moved to WSQ storage and placed in a waterproof container.

Take to each meeting:

    1. Membership Lists – Current and previous.
    2. Other member list copies as per 5d above.
    3. Signed and dated membership cards.
    4. New member packets as per 3a-g above.
    5. Pens
    6. Application forms for both new and renewal members.
    7. Extra newsletters for new members.

Reimbursements:  Using a voucher provided by the Treasurer be sure to annotate “membership” on each voucher.  It is recommended you keep a copy of each voucer for your records to determine your yearly budget needs.  The Treasurer must have the original receipts that are submitted (keep a copy for your records if you wish) and you need to sign the voucher before it is submitted.  You will be reimbursed for:

    1. Postage
    2. Fabric for the badges
    3. Bags for badge kits
    4. Mailing Envelopes
    5. Printer Cartridges
    6. Paper
    7. Duplication fees
    8. Printing of membership cards.  These are purchased by the thousand, but do not sign all in one year.


    1. The editor will arrange for you to have extra ones from the printer.
    2. 20 – 30 are taken to each local quilt shop for their patrons.
    3. Remainder are distributed at the quarterly meeting, used for new member packets.

Note: Every newsletter has an application for membership (new and renewal).  Renewing members are asked to send a self addressed, stamped envelope for their member card to be mailed to them.  You may add reminders for renewal, etc at any time by sending your request to the Newsletter Chairman prior to the newsletter deadline.

Budget Request:  Submit your budget request for the following year to the Finance Chairman at the end of September.  Review your expenses from the current and past years to be sure all items are accounted for.  If you find you may go over your budget during the year, bring your concerns/requests to the board meeting for approval.

Data Retention:

    1. Get the door prize slips after the Hostess Chairman and Nomination Chairman are done with them.
    2. Review information received for any updates in the membership database required.

A brief summary:

  • The president is responsible for reminding board members to send in their articles by the deadline. (Usually the date of the board meeting).
  • The editor collects articles and ads electronically.
  • The editor does the layout and sends proofs to the proofreaders electronically.
  • The proofreaders return the proofs promptly with a typewritten list of corrections sent to the editor and other proofers so as to minimize duplicate corrections.
  • The editor makes the necessary corrections and gets the newsletter to Griffin Publishing in a timely manner. (Usually the first of the month following the board meeting).
  • The editor notifies the membership chair and the treasurer so that arrangement can be made for the mailing list and payment.

Detailed summary:

The deadline for newsletter submissions is the date of the board meeting prior to each quarterly meeting. For the president and anyone who needs board input prior to submitting an article, the deadline is the first Saturday following the board meeting.  Ideally, the board meetings should be about 6 weeks prior to the general meeting. The goal is to have the newsletter out approximately 3 weeks prior to the general meeting.

The newsletter editor is responsible to attend board meetings.

Board members need to send articles as attachments rather than in the body of an email or a hard copy. This prevents the editor from having to retype articles.

Publisher is the software program used to format the newsletter.

WSQ sells advertising in the newsletter. The editor sends an email to potential advertisers 3-4 weeks prior to the board meeting with a reminder that it is time to submit ads. We give free advertising to Valley Quilters and North Idaho Quilters for their quilt shows. They, in turn, give us free advertising for our quilt show. We try to make sure that we have information for all local quilt shows listed, since our mission is the promotion of quilting. We are allowed by the state to earn a maximum of $1000 in revenue and are careful to keep it from going above that amount to avoid having to file form 990-T with the IRS. We have an advertising manager to monitor the revenue. Ads need to be sent electronically to the editor. The editor does not format or “clean up” an advertisement.

Board positions that regularly submit articles:

  • President
  • 1st Vice President- Speakers for upcoming meetings.
  • 2nd Vice President- Quilt show information
  • Secretary-General meeting minutes
  • Bus trips- information and schedule
  • Charity Central-community needs
  • Finance- End of the year budget
  • Hospitality-Thank you to hostesses and door prize donations
  • Librarian-news
  • Membership-new membership information
  • Nominations-July issue
  • Quilting Bee- Block and information
  • Fair Ribbons-April
  • Raffle Quilt- Pictures
  • Small groups-Listing
  • Calendar of events- Listing
  • Yard Sale- January

If a board chair has not sent a needed article, it is the responsibility of the newsletter editor to contact that person with a gentle reminder.

The chair of the nominating committee is the immediate past president.  The committee is made up of the chair and two volunteers from the current board.

It is the job of the committee to recruit qualified volunteers to run for the elected offices in WSQ.   It is important to have updated job descriptions of each job for the potential candidates to review to ensure they know what the job encompasses

  • The elected offices are President, First Vice President (speakers & workshops), Second Vice President (quilt show), Treasurer, and Secretary.
  • Each position is a 1 year term and may be held for no more than two consecutive terms.

A general call for candidates is made at the April quarterly meeting and published in the April newsletter. 

The committee meets, in person or by phone, email, etc., to choose the most qualified candidate. 

The candidates are asked to submit a short biography so that the membership can ‘meet’ them.

The slate of nominees with their biographies is published in the July newsletter and they are introduced at the July meeting.  At that time a call is made for nominations from the floor.  If there are any nominations they will be vetted by the committee and added to the slate of nominees.

The slate of nominees is published again in the September newsletter.  The voting takes place at the September quarterly meeting.  If there is a single slate, they may be elected by acclamation.  If there is more than one person running for an office, a paper ballot must be used.  The results will be announced at the evening meeting, posted on our website and published in the January newsletter.

  • Is responsible for serving as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization and is the official representative of WSQ.
  • Ensures that the goals, objectives and programs of WSQ are carried out.
  • Ensures that all activities are conducted for the benefit of the entire membership, guarding against any form of favoritism.
  • Presides over all meetings in an impartial manner, ensuring the enforcement of the By-Laws and Roberts Rules of Order, and that the Policies and Procedures as adopted by the Board, are observed.
    Oversees and coordinates the activities of the Board of Directors and all Committees.

To carry out these responsibilities, the President appoints all committee chairmen and works with the Executive Board and the General Board.


Working with the Executive Board, the President determines the committees needed, other than the committees specified in the By-Laws, to carry out the membership’s programs and appoints committee chairman by October 30 to oversee the committee activities and to ensure they are involved in the Budget process which begins at that time.

In addition to the duties specified in the By-Laws Art. IV Sec. 5:

  • Renews Gambling Commission’s license for the Raffle Quilt in mid-October of each year.
  • Renews the Liability Insurance in December and directs the Treasurer to pay the premium.
  • Appoints Parliamentarian with advice and consent of the Executive Board.
  • Presides at the Transitional Board meeting to ensure a smooth transition between outgoing and incoming Boards.
  • Is available for assistance, guidance and support to all committee chairman, including elected officers, and carries out the goals and objectives as established by the Board.

General information:

  • The 1st VP is responsible for arranging the speakers and workshops. We usually book 18 months out.
  • Speak at all meetings about present speaker, workshops and upcoming speakers.
  • Write articles for newsletter with information on current speaker and her/his workshops and next speaker with her/his workshops. Make sure to include workshop dates, time, location, cost and include the speaker’s website.
  • Be prepared to run the general meeting in the absence of the President.
  • The 1st VP is responsible for obtaining the President’s gift certificate at the end of her term. You may ask her which shop she would prefer for the certificate. The Finance Chair will have the $ that is allotted in the budget for this.
  • The 1st VP may take a free class for each speaker.
  • Update the records/files with speaker names and lecture titles for our history.

Hotel information:

  • We are currently using the Hampton Inn, 2010 S Assembly Rd, Spokane, WA 99224 phone 509.747.1100. Erika Ruiz [email protected] is our contact. We book the guest rooms and the classrooms for a year at a time at least a year in advance.
  • The hotel has a shuttle to the airport.
  • The hotel provides 4 irons and ironing boards as well as electrical cords, paper trash bags and power strips. They also provide coffee, tea, water.

Speaker information:

  • Contact the speaker to find out when she/he will be arriving and make arrangements to meet her, get her settled in the hotel and take her to dinner. There are volunteers who can help with this.
  • Speakers usually arrive the Wednesday before the meeting.
  • The contract specifies what equipment is needed for both the lectures and the classes. Make sure the hotel and the hostess are aware of the needs.
  • Pick up the speaker and paraphernalia on Thursday at time arranged. I encourage her to get a snack from the breakfast provided to hold her over until dinner.
  • I like to take her to the Quilting Bee, prior to going to Center Place, so she gets to one local quilt shop. Also, she may want to pick up items for her workshop.
  • We take her to dinner between the meetings.
  • Ask the teacher if she wants to go out to dinner. Some teachers just want to rest in their room after a full day of teaching. She can get dinner from the hotel and bill it to her room.
  • The teacher lunches are billed to her room.
  • Be prepared to have an introduction ready to introduce the speaker when she is ready to present her lecture.

Workshop information:

  • Workshop information goes out in each newsletter. The person who creates the newsletter will give a deadline for when it is due to her, usually a week after the board meeting.
  • The newsletter is online; however, you will also need to give the class registration and information to our web person for the website.
  • Class registrations should not be taken before the information is published the first time to allow everyone the same opportunity to sign up. Non-members may sign up 30 days prior to the class.
  • Create a signup sheet for each class that includes student’s names, email or mailing address, and phone number.
  • Pass out name tags the day of the workshop and ask each person to put her name on it.
  • Friday and Saturday arrive at the hotel classroom by 8:00am to make sure everything is working smoothly and to check-in students. Students may arrive at 8:30.
  • Keep a record of who attends the classes, no shows, free classes, etc. It will all be necessary for the audit.
  • If a class fills up, keep a waiting list. Many times, people have to cancel and the waiting list will help fill the slots.
  • Registrations made online have all of the info about the student. If you receive a registration form and check in the mail, I write the check number, the date and the amount of the check on the registration form.
  • Make a folder for each teacher and keep the contract, supply lists, and registration forms in it. Prior to the class, print out the list of students with their contact info and take it in the folder to the workshop.
  • If a student does not arrive by 9am, call her to make sure she has the address or if she decided not to attend.
  • If a student pays for the workshop and then cancels 45 days or more before the class, she can either get a full refund or she may op to move her registration to another class, provided there are openings. If she cancels less than 45 days before the class, no refund is made, unless there is a waiting list and her spot can be filled. In that case, she can either get a refund or change her registration to another class, providing there are openings. No shows do not receive a refund.
  • Email the supply list to those registered about 6 weeks before the class, then again about 3 weeks before class and then a week before class. Let the members know if there is a kit they may purchase from the teacher. Many of our members seem to like to have a kit, so they don’t have to find their own fabric and also there is usually no homework.
  • When you arrive at the hotel for the workshops, go to the kitchen and they will give you menus. Ask them to identify the soup of the day. Place menus on each persons sewing space. Ask the students and teacher to fill out a menu. They will pay for their lunch directly to the hotel. The teacher will bill her lunch to her room. Ask the teacher when she would like to break for lunch. Take the completed menus to the kitchen and let them know when lunch will be expected. They will have all of the lunches out (one on each of the completed menus) so everyone just needs to look for their menu and their lunch will be on it.
  • If a student wants to bring her lunch, that is fine. She will eat with us in the dining room. No one will be left in the classroom during lunch. The door will be locked.
  • Remind the front desk on Friday, to not have the classroom unlocked before you arrive on Saturday. Sometimes students leave sewing machine & supplies if they are taking both classes. We want the room to be secure.
  • Friday and Saturday take the speaker to dinner. Note WSQ does not pay for alcohol. I usually chose Clinkerdaggers or Anthony’s (at the falls) or ask if they have a food preference. Some speakers enjoy a tour of the city and some prefer to go back to the hotel after dinner.
  • Ask the teacher if she wants to go out to dinner. Some teachers just want to rest in their room after a full day of teaching. She can get dinner from the hotel and bill it to her room.

Finance information:

  • Deposit checks in a timely manner. Write the person’s name on the deposit slip. Write on the deposit slip Workshops and the year. Since we book 18 months out, some people pay for workshops that will occur in the next year.
  • Request that the speaker bring an invoice to the general membership meeting. Also ask them to fill out a W9 form. Fill out the voucher and make arrangements with the treasurer to create a check for the teacher lectures/workshops/travel/shipping and leave it with you at the Thursday meeting. You will give it to the teacher at the Saturday workshop. If the speaker does not provide you with an invoice on Thursday, the treasurer will mail the check to her.
  • The Hampton Inn will email an invoice to you after the event. Check it and send it along with a reimbursement voucher to the treasurer. She will pay the Hampton Inn.
  • Save all food receipts (do not include alcohol) and send those with a reimbursement voucher to the treasurer – she will send a check to you.
  • Keep all financial information in a format that can be given to the auditor and can be used to help with budget planning.
  • Prepare a budget for the finance chair, usually in November for the following year. There will be a budget meeting that the finance chair will schedule.

Future Speakers:

  • We usually book 18 months out from the end of your term.
  • Put out a survey for possible speakers, choose from the lists that come from previous VP’s or choose your own.
  • Most speakers have information on their websites or you can contact them for availability, costs, etc.
  • WSQ has our own contract although some speakers prefer to use their own. We can work with their contract.
  • When you have a signed contract, let the newsletter and website chairs know to include them on their respective lists.
  • About 6 months out, finalize lectures and classes if not already done. Many speakers add new classes or lectures during the 12-18 months that we have been under contract. Don’t wait too long though because the information has to be in the newsletters.

Things to take to the meeting:

  • Current speaker introduction
  • Power Point presentation of upcoming speaker/teacher/projects
  • Class registration lists & supply lists in folders for current and upcoming speakers.
  • Current speaker’s contract to verify invoice and needs.
  • Manila envelope for paper registrations and checks that may come during the meeting.
  • Receipt book, in case someone pays for a workshop in cash
  • Samples of the projects, if provided by the teacher

Things to take to the workshops:

  • Thank you note for the speaker – I usually put the check inside
  • List of participants with contact info
  • Registration forms for future workshops
  • Name tags

As Publicity Chair for WSQ you will serve on the General Board and will be under the direction of the President and the Board of Directors

Will attend Board Meetings and prepare a report for the board and keep the Board informed as to your activities

  • What news releases you are preparing
  • What news releases you have done and how they have been utilized.
  • Ideas for future publicity
  • Prepare an annual budget


  • To inform the general public about WSQ and membership benefits through the use of the local media and web page calendars/resource directories
  • To generate publicity for quarterly meetings, am and pm
  • To generate publicity for the workshops and speakers
  • To generate publicity for the Quilting Bees
  • To work closely with the Quilt Education and Promotion Chairs and/or other WSQ Chairs to help generate publicity for their events as needed
  • Prepare WSQ publications used for public information (Except for handbills and posters for the WSQ Quilt Show which will be the responsibility of the Quilt Show Committee)


  • Develop and maintain a list of key media contacts
  • Be familiar with the format that press releases, radio and TV spots must be submitted, when and how
  • Track usage of news releases and effectiveness
  • Develop a timeline as a guide for generating publicity for meetings and events
  • Work closely with and help Quilt Promotion and Education work with other organizations such as: the arts community, museums, businesses and educational, to arrange for displays, exhibits, speakers, etc.

Under the direction of the President and Board of Directors the Quilting  Bee chairman is responsible for planning and executing a social, quilting and educational program, at least four times each year. 

To carry out these responsibilities the chair may appoint, supervise and work with a Quilting Bee committee.


Reports to the Board on Quilting Bee activities including:

  1. Prepare and oversee an annual budget
  2. Plan the following: name tags, Bee setup & takedown, Fat Quarter exchange drawing, guest demonstrations and potluck luncheons
  3. Reserve location
  4. Prepare news article for Stitch N Time quarterly
  5. Cooperate with other WSQ Committee chairmen in selecting the date for the Quilting Bee to avoid conflict in functions planned.


Your main duties are to schedule the dates and get a contract. WSQ will pay once a bill has been sent.

  • Occasionally find a speaker for Bee.
  • Fill out a voucher to pay the speaker $20.00.
  • Have the speaker sign a verification form that she/he receive the money. Give to Treasurer.
  • Set up and take down the tables, chairs, set up signs at entrance to parking lots, etc., before each Bee.
  • Run the Bees.
  • Send Thank you letters to speakers &/or donors after the Bees.
  • Prepare the flyer for the newsletter. This is due by the board meeting which are about six weeks before the WSQ meetings.
  • Attend quarterly WSQ meetings to advertise the Bee.

Day off Quilting Bees  (official time 9:30- 3:00)

  • Arrive at Bee location approximately 8:00 – 8:30 AM
  • Kitchen chairman needs to start coffee right away, takes one hour to perk
  • Set up chairs, decorations, door prizes, name tags, block exchange tags and table, speaker and microphone, extra extension cords, table cloths, two WSQ signs
  • Announce to warm food at 11:00 and a reminder at 11:30 AM (if potluck is happening)
  • Demonstrator at 2:00 PM or sooner if needed (if there is one)
  • Show and Tell after demonstrator (if there is one)

Updated 2/18/2021

The Second vice president is an elected position.  The election takes place at the September quarterly WSQ meeting.  The position entails the following:

  • To organize the annual quilt show which takes place in the month of October, (schedule at least three years in advance).
  • To find qualified WSQ members to head the different show committees
  • To keep the Executive Board, WSQ Board, and the membership informed, arranges easy sign ups for volunteer jobs at the quarterly WSQ meetings, and to write articles about the show for the WSQ newsletter.
  • To attend all Executive Board and Board meetings.
  • To make all arrangements with Spokane County Fair and Expo Center (scheduling three years in advance), Lilac City Decorators, the Featured Quilter, and the Harpist.
  • To schedule and head Quilt Show committee meetings.
  • To be at the Fairgrounds, first one in and last one out, each day including Thursday set up day.
  • To work with the Fundraising chairman and the Raffle Quilt Chairman.
  • To work with the Budget committee to plan next year’s budget
  • To work with the next Quilt Show Chairman on budget, job requirements, and in any other way that she needs assistance
  • To arrange for special guests to come to our show and to select their favorite quilt (optional but does add some excitement to the show).
  • To make arrangements for wrap up dinner. (Committee heads are given small thank you gifts and everyone pays for their own meal.)

Committee Jobs and Descriptions


The designer works with Publicity, Fund Raising, Registration and Program Book Chairmen.  She helps design the quilt show poster, the collectable pins, the advertising, and the cover of the Program. Designs and pays for 1st 100 pins.

Ballot Counters

She arranges for the proper number of volunteers to count ballots as they come in on Saturday.   Once all the ballots have been tallied, the ribbons are awarded, and the official list is made.  The Quilt Show Chairman is the tie breaker as needed.  Ballot chair holds onto the ballots for six months and then can dispose of them.


The Boutique chairman provides forms to the general membership so that they can consign their handmade items for sale during the quilt show.  Consignors must be WSQ members and WSQ keeps 15% of the sale price of each item.  The Boutique chairman must keep good records and provide the Treasurer with the information needed to provide payment in a timely manner.


The Head Cashiers provide volunteers to work at the registers and take money from attendees.  They provide a hand stamp for re-admittance if needed and a program and ballot to each attendee.  The cashiers provide the Chairman with attendance numbers to be used for planning purposes for budget and advertising.  The Cashiers use the honor system as far as re-admittance goes.  If someone says they were here yesterday and paid, they are admitted free.


The Challenge Coordinator decides (with committee approval) the theme of the challenge.   She purchases fabric, makes and sells the packets at the quarterly meetings and quilting bees.  She designs and purchases the challenge pins and makes sure that each entered quilt receives one.  There can be two challenges, one that is a pun and one that is serious.

CD Production

She arranges for six to eight photographers to take pictures of all the quilts that are hanging on Thursday afternoon after set up (those that have given their permission).  These photographs are then processed Thursday afternoon and evening with the goal of a finished CD of pictures to be available for sale at the Fund Raising Table on Friday morning when the quilt show opens.


She makes arrangements for all demonstrations to take place through out the weekend.  She makes the signs she needs and makes the announcements for each demo.  Featured Quilter gives one demo each day of show.

Drop Offs

These are all the people who collect the quilts for the show.  They are generally arranged for by the Registration Chair and are listed on the Registration form.  They collect the quilts two weeks before the show, notify us of any quilts that did not come in, and bring the quilts to the Fairgrounds on Thursday morning at 8:00 AM for set up.  The mail/UPS person is responsible to mail all the quilts back to the owners via the same way they were sent.  If a quilter wishes to have quilts insured, they need to send a check made out to WSQ for the cost of the insurance.

Featured Quilter

The Set Up Chairman makes arrangements with the featured quilter to pick up her quilts, to find out how she would like them displayed, and any other needs for her booth.  The Featured Quilter needs to be at the show for a good portion of the time, Hostesses need to be sure someone is with her most of the time, and Props and Decorations will provide flowers for the table.  Take Down needs to find out how she would like her quilts handled and The Ribbon Chairman needs to make a ribbon for her booth, a ribbon for her to give away, and a name tag ribbon.  The featured quilter does a demo each day and receives an honorarium for her time.

Floor Quilters

Floor quilters invite attendees to help them tie off quilts for Charity.  They have several frames set up with small quilts on them and spend the show tying them off.  They also arrange for WSQ members to be at various places through out the show, demonstrating various hand techniques.

Fund Raising

This is a WSQ Board Position.  She attends all quilt show meetings and works with the board and quilt show to sell items determined by the committee such as the Quilt Show CD and Collectable Pin.

Hoffman Challenge

She arranges for one of the traveling Hoffman Challenge collections to be sent to her house in time for the Show.  She arranges with the Art Quilt Set Up Committee to hang these quilts and to take them down.  She packs them up and sends them off to their next destination.


She makes arrangements for all white gloves, raffle quilt tables, program tables, Hoffman challenge, and any where else help is needed.  She comes to the quarterly meetings to recruit volunteers.


This is an extension of the WSQ Membership committee.  New members and returning members may pay their yearly dues at the quilt show.

Merchant Mall

She makes arrangements for all the merchants to pay for a booth space at our show.  She begins sending info to potential vendors early in the year.  She works with set up and chairman for layout for show.  It is her responsibility to get door prizes on set up day, to draw the names of those lucky volunteers, and to award prizes.   She takes care of all the merchants needs and has them fill out a review at the end of the show.

Mountain of Quilts

This is the WSQ Charity project.  Charity quilts that have been donated during the year are brought to the show.  We continue to accept donations through out the show.   Afterwards, the quilts are sorted and distributed to various charitable groups through out Spokane.

Props and Decorations

She provides decorations for those spaces where quilts have been dropped and otherwise empty spaces.  She sets the mood for the show.  Props also provide the flowers for the Featured Quilter.


This is a very big and important job.  It is her responsibility to get information to the quilters throughout the Pacific Northwest via quilt shops, guilds, newspapers, and magazines.  She also works with the Spokane Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Program Book

This person would take the info from Registration and organize it for the program book.  She will put all the info together and have the program ready for the printer one month before the quilt show.  She needs a map from set up, a welcome and thank you from the Chairman, a list of the Quilt show committee, and a front cover from Art Work.  She also gets the ballots printed.

Raffle Quilt

This is a WSQ Board position and they are not considered part of the Quilt Show committee.  However, they do display both this year’s and next year’s raffle quilts at the show and use the volunteers that the Hostess Chairman provides.


This is a very large job.  It consists of producing the registration forms and getting the packets ready for the back of the quilts.  She usually gets the drop off people organized so that they can be listed on the back of the form.  Once the registrations come in, she enters them in a spread sheet so that the set up chairman and the program book can use them.  She has the cards for the quilts made up and orders the first 100 pins.  She puts the first 100 pins on the quilts once they are hanging on set up day.


She produces ribbons for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for all categories (except antique).  She designs and awards ribbons for each entry in the youth category.  The youth ribbons are hung at set up.  She makes ribbons for all the Special Awards and for the Featured Quilter booth.   She makes name tag ribbons for the committee, demonstrators, and Featured Quilter.  She hangs the ribbons on Saturday night after the ballots have been counted or early Sunday morn before the show opens.

Set Up

This is another large job.  It is her responsibility to make sure that the floor layout for the show is ready with merchants and quilt layout.  She needs to give the Spokane Valley Fire Marshall a copy of the layout and apply for the Fire Permit.  She gives Lilac City Decorators a copy of the layout.  She makes arrangements with the Featured quilter and recruits volunteers.  She makes the book listing the quilts by number and location.

Stash Check

She sets up a safe place for volunteers to leave their personal belongings while they are working.  She checks in volunteers on the master volunteer list and maintains a lost and found

Take Down

This is a job that gets done in a very short time but is a high pressure job.  She makes sure that all quilts are taken down and given back to the appropriate person.  She makes sure all sheets are cleaned and ready for next years show.


This is a WSQ Board position.  It is her responsibility to make sure we have enough beginning cash, to count all money from the show admission, raffle quilt, fundraising, and Boutique and to make all deposits to our bank account.  She also pays all reimbursement forms.

Truck Driver

This would be a good position for a guy or husband and wife team.  It is physically demanding.   It is their responsibility to rent a truck if needed and to bring everything from the storage unit that is used at the quilt show.  This includes sheets and pins, stash check bins, easels, white boards, racks for hanging quilted jackets, etc.  They bring everything needed to the Fairgrounds at 8:00 AM on Thursday morning and return it after take down on Sunday night. Thursday’s truck rental comes from setup budget.  Sunday truck rental comes from the takedown budget.

2 year Job Description

Year 1

The chairman, under the direction of the President and the Board of Directors, is responsible for planning, design and completion of the Raffle Quilt ensuring it is ready for the sale of raffle tickets in year two.

  • Design, choose colors and pattern
  • Check fabric stores to determine availability of chosen fabrics
  • Prepare packets of fabric, instruction and distribute to membership
  • Arrange for space to display blocks for voting at the quilt show.
  • Be familiar with Washington State Gambling Commission laws and regulations. View their video regarding non-profit’s responsibility for selling raffle tickets.
  • Keep good financial records.
  • Prepare articles for the newsletter

Year 2

Responsible for overseeing the sale of raffle tickets for the quilt.

  • Order raffle tickets.
  • Arrange for space to display quilt at quarterly meetings and at quilt show.
  • Ensure adequate volunteer force to sell raffle tickets. Prepare a schedule of times and locations for sale of tickets. 
  • Keep good financial records and make sure appropriate forms are used by volunteers selling tickets. Coordinate with Treasurer to report sales and deposit funds in a timely manner.
  • Prepare articles for the newsletter.


Year 1 & 2 working together

Prepare an annual budget to include:

  1. Packets (paper copies, plastic baggies, fabrics, etc.)
  2. Fabric and batting to complete quilt
  3. Quilting of the quilt
  4. Raffle tickets
  5. Fees paid

The Small Group Coordinator will provide a communication link between the Board and the small group activities, and the small group activities with the WSQ membership in general.


  • To keep an accurate and up to date list of small groups in WSQ which have openings for new members.
  • Publish this list in the WSQ newsletter.
    To keep an accurate and up to date list of e-mail addresses with which to reach the active small groups.
  • To keep the small groups appraised of on going happenings with WSQ and the community which might be of interest to them.
  • To be available for members to contact when seeking a small group to join.
  • To be the conduit between WSQ and the small groups.

Webmaster must be an active member of WSQ, a voting member of the WSQ board, and shall attend board meetings as posted by the current president.

Job Duties

Maintain and enter the data posted on the website:

  • Meetings and events
  • Programs and workshops
  • Quilt Show
  • Board Roster
  • Committees
  • Newsletters
  • By-laws
  • Forms
  • Area Quilt Shops
  • Regional Events
Additional Duties
  • Maintain email accounts for all board members
  • Work with website vendor for support and new features
  • Budget and track website related expenses
  • Respond to or forward website inquiries



  1. Pick a date and secure a location for the yard sale, make necessary payment or deposit for said location.
  2. Notify WSQ Newsletter as soon as possible so the application for tables can appear as soon as possible in the newsletter.
  3. Print and distribute application forms.
  4. Collect, record and deposit money for table rent (tables are assigned in the order in which they are received.
  5. Make a diagram of tables arrangement and delivery to location shortly before the sale.
  6. Day of the sale:
    • Put out yard sale street signs
    • Put out any literature at greeters table in entrance.
    • Help with the table placement and assist where needed.
    • End of sale collect any donated items to WSQ and delivery to appropriate committee.
    • Be the last to leave and take care of anything we might be responsible for.
    • Remove street signs
    • Write a report on expenses and income.
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